During our study we will have to interview medical and business staff. We are not going right into the official interviews, first we are doing practice interviews. I have done one practice interview and it had ups and downs. The person I was interviewing was a clear and friendly speaker, so it wasn’t hard getting them to talk, but as the interview progressed problems arose. As a talked to the person and asked them about disruptions in their work place it became clear that they, the person being interviewed, was the source of most of the works place disruptions. This made the interview grow acquired as the person I was talking to began to think that I was an informant getting dirt on them. This made the person less open. This made me realized that when the interview growing narrative makes the person being interview seem like a bad influence in their work place that it would be wise to tell them that their are such things a positive disruptions. I didn’t tell the person about the positive disruptions while interviewing them, but the next day I did and it made them feel better. Also while interviewing the person I couldn’t get much information about the current work, because they hadn’t been working in the organization for lang. This leads me to conclude that if we have a choice between a longer lived team and shorter lived team that we should pick the long lived one.
I’m learning a lot while doing these mock interviews. I plan to do another one later this week.
Great reflection.